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Ayesha Harben, Writer 

Download Max

I’m so excited to launch the short story, Max. It is now available on several online platforms including Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Scribd, Apple Books and Google Play Books. You can download a copy right here. I would love to know what you think so do drop me a line – you’ll find the link at the bottom of the page.

What some writers say about Max

Max is a magical little tale. It shows children a fear they are able to relate to: Feeling helpless and completely controlled by their circumstances. But then, it takes us from a crushing and anxious beginning to a liberating end that lifts readers’ spirits and makes everybody feel happy. If fairies exist, this is what it must feel like to meet one.” – Alex Limberg of Ride The Pen.

“In a world filled with angst for many, many children, Ayesha Harben’s short story, Max, reminds both young and old that love sustains and rescues us when we need it the most. As is often true with children’s tales, readers are reminded of the power of magic and the need to grasp it. We hurt for dear Max in the beginning but triumph alongside the young boy at the end. A beautifully-written story filled with poetic imagery. Read it to your child or grandchild tonight!” – Debbie Trahan
“The first installment of Max immediately takes you to a place of wonder and curiosity. Author Ayesha Harben has done a fabulous job of bringing the reader into Max’s world and giving just the right amount of intriguing details to entice us to travel with Max on his next adventure.” – S.E. Laughter
Max  is a delightful chapter of what looks to be an exciting new book. Reminiscent of Harry Potter, Max tells the tale of a down-trodden young boy on the verge of an amazing discovery. I’m really looking forward to reading more! – Barton K Mann, Author of “A Diane of Rats.”
“The story of Maxuel Tomas is a captivating tale with riveting twists. Left to live with his unkind aunt and uncle, after the mysterious death of his mother and disappearance of his father, he searches for clues. When a curious package arrives for Max in the mail, he embarks on a thrilling journey. This story has everything from drama to adventure and leaves you longing for more.” – A.K.Finch
“Max has lost his mum, lost contact with his father and living in misery with his prune-faced aunt and a bully cousin. But when he receives a strange pair of spectacles in a mysterious box, something magical happens. Max is a fluid, engaging story peppered with witty turns of phrases which is a pleasure to read. I look forward to more stories of Max and his quest in magical realms.” – Lim Lay Koon of The Sisters Lim
“I love a good mystery and fantasy all rolled up into one interesting story! The story of Max is just that and Harben does a wonderful job of keeping her reader interested the whole way through! I will definitely be looking forward to reading more by this author!” – Callie Sutcliffe
“I want to know more!” – Merry Goodman
Max brushes with the notions of magic and escape and entreats the reader to embark on a wonderful adventure. With colourful characters and a protagonist seeking answers, this tale will sweep you away into a wonderful world and leave you wanting to know what’s next?” – Heather Shannon
“If you love fantasy, as much as I do, then this short story is for you! Max’s Mother died and his father was grieving tremendously, therefore his father left him with his Uncle’s family 2 years ago. He was searching for a good place for them both to live, but he hasn’t heard from his father. There’s something very special about Max. His Aunty Pruneela is horrible to him, hence she’s earned his secret nickname the old prune-face! Who calls a child “that useless good for nothing”, or “filthy cockroach”? Aunty Pruneela does! She usually refers to Max as one of those. She’s the character you’ll love to HATE! I love how she describes the different characters, emotions, and the scenery. I don’t want to give the story away but I see an awesome, dangerous, and magical adventure forthcoming! Beware, you’ll get hungry reading this story, because I did! By the way READ THIS STORY!!!” – T.L.Reigns

About Ayesha

She has spent most of her working life writing – first as    a journalist and then as a communications consultant. She started on creative writing with stories for her grandchildren. Two of these have been self-published on Amazon, with illustrations by her daughter, Delphine.


The Girl Who Loved Stories

Alisha wanders into the forest led by an insatiable thirst for a story. She meets a magical bamboo and learns many things from his story about Amal, a young village boy.

The Mighty Mangrove

  In a secret place in Alisha’s garden lives the magical Bamboolahmoolah who tells wonderful stories. He tells her and cousin Liam the fascinating tale of Kai the kampung girl, Tappalai the Water Keeper and their precious mangrove forest.

When The Forest Rained Stories

An ancient bodhi tree is in terrible danger. Only Bamboolahmoolah can save his old friend…with the help of Pryanka and Leah.


Rainforest River

A short poem


The story of a boy whose life changes forever when he receives a gift from his missing father.


Magic exists in everything
From the birds to the bees
From an elephant to an ant
From the sky to the earth
From the sea to the land.

Cat's Call

A magical cat takes her human and an egoistic bird in search of the perfect tree.

Drop Me a Line

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